@ disguise, broadcast style activation using robot-controlled tracked camera, unreal environment with AR weather graphics, participant centered, DMX fans, binaural audio.
@ disguise, data driven+user operated real-time scoreboard, from multiple API sources & data-streams, ran in Unreal over 26 machines on two simultaneous 40k+ canvases.
@ meptik, full virtual studio with three scanned and modeled stadiums and two twin-city locations in Paris.
@ disguise, vizRT translation, unreal look dev, stype tech assist, onsite dev/design time, client direct design, responsive graphics system dev.

@ disguise, metahuman dev, data to sequencer pipeline dev, render pipeline dev.
@ disguise, unreal look dev, optimization expert, remote control dev, graphics dev/design, proprietary tech liaison.
@ SilverSpoon, pixotope/ndisplay/unreal dev, stype tech assist, on set AR operator, on set XR operator, DMX liaison.

@ SilverSpoon, pixotope dev, animation and mocap editing, on set fixer, photoshop patcher, face mocap tech.
@ SilverSpoon, mocap TD, general unreal/pixotope dev, stype set up, operator for a lot of games.

@ SilverSpoon, asset manager, unreal automation, pixotope dev, FX/particle design, camera tracking supervisor.

@ SilverSpoon, DMX to Unreal lead, lighting/look dev, XR support.
@ SilverSpoon, Mocap TD, live previs supervisor.
@ SilverSpoon, Mocap TD, live previs supervisor.
@ SilverSpoon, lead dev and designer, automated controls for talent, operator for event.
And lots more!
Reach out to hear more stories on sets, LED walls, VR escapades, and other cool things.

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